Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 20/02/2011
Military History of Hamilton County Tenth Ohio Infantry pages 103-108 transcribed John MOORE, James McAULEFF, Patrick McDONALD, Patrick O'BRIEN, Patrick O'CONNOR, Joseph SOMRENBERG, Perry STASBERGER, Jacob STROM, Henry TAYLOR,
18 Jan 2004 All I know about them is that his name was Patrick McDonald and he in Ireland 1820,found in the USA 1860 census in Perry County Ohio.
10/20/1852 Perry Co. Ky. d. 10/4/1938 Middletown, Oh. This is Pat McDonald's page. A great site! L.M.Brashears Divorce Decree
columbiana ohio real estate services. MARLINGTON, MASSILLON, MCDONALD, MECCA , MESOPOTAMIA TWP, MIDDLETON TOWNSHIP, MINERAL RIDGE NORTH CANTON, OSNABURG( EAST CANTON), PALMYRA, PARIS, PERRY, PERRY TOWNSHIP Pat Gallagher established the office in 1987, but has been in the Real Estate field for 30 years.
Perry County Chapter, Ohio Genealogical Society P.O. Box 275 Descendents of John Klinger; Descendents of Patrick Largey McCormick Family; McDonald Family records; McDougal old letters , deeds, and misc; Mechling 1728-1996
18 Apr 2003 All the children were born in Straightsville, Saltlick Twp., Perry Co. Ohio. Patrick McDonald's wife (name unknown)died by 1850.
- 1998 - History - 2 pagesHe attended schools in Perry County and started farming with his father. Curtis Wright of St. Louis, a plane factory where McDonald Douglas now stands.
1 Adams County; 2 Allen County; 3 Ashland County; 4 Ashtabula County; 5 Athens County Muskingum County; 61 Noble County; 62 Ottawa County; 63 Paulding County; 64 Perry County Napoleon High School, Napoleon; Patrick Henry High School, Hamler Mathews High School, Vienna; McDonald High School, McDonald
- 1998 - History - 2 pagesHe attended schools in Perry County and started farming with his father. Curtis Wright of St. Louis, a plane factory where McDonald Douglas now stands.
Hardin County; Adams County/Ohio Valley Schools McDonald Local Schools Trumbull County; Mechanicsburg Exempted Village New Lexington City Schools Perry County Cuyahoga County; Patrick Henry Local Schools
25 Sep 1996 From: Pat Mcdonald <> Subject: Roane Co. TN Roberts ...2 Elizabeth Robertsb: 1799 Roane Co,TNd: 1855 Perry Co, TN
17 Feb 2011 Patrick Mcdonald Perry County Ohio · Dr Patrick Smith Umc · Melinda Fitzpatrick Pat Pend Pillows · Dakota Rae Patrick Free Videos
On July 30, 31, and August 1, 2002, the Ohio Bar Examination was administered in Columbus. Ryan Patrick McDonald. Cincinnati. Timothy Joseph McKenna. Cincinnati Perry County. Michelle Leigh Monty. Somerset. Pickaway County
150 - HISTORY OF DEFIANCE COUNTY. Patrick McDonald,. Josiah McElroy, Co. The square between Jackson and Perry streets, and south of Fourth was a The property was then bought. by Aaron Cary, of Crawford County, Ohio,
History of Fairfield and Perry Counties, Ohio, Compiled by A.A. Graham, Chicago, A. Vansickle and Patrick McDonald for the erection of such building.
Samuel was a pensioner by which he acquired land in Perry Co, Ohio in 1840. He moved most of his family [L?] B. Anton Patrick McDonald [Ed???] C. Cusack

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