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Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 20/02/2011

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17 Feb 2011 Patrick Stynes Ca · Patrick Lupian · Brian Patrick Herbert Said · Patrick Ramsey Trial · St Patrick's Day San Diego

Find 783 Faxon Ave, San Francisco-West of Twin Peaks, California 94112 Patrick Y and Kimberly Chin; 757 Faxon Ave Tom Mandy 2002 (Trust); 762 Faxon Ave

22 Jan 2011 JIM STYNES has had further surgery to remove tumours from his brain as California-based McEwan has won 19 from 19 (10 KOs) going into clash. S McAuley; Patrick Reilly, J Stewart; G Traynor, A Sharkey (0-1, free),

Patrick STYNES - 1881 British Census / Lancashire Birth: 2 Nov 1923 State Where Number was Issued: California Death: 29 Jan 2002. 153. Brendan STYNES

Redmond, Matthew Reilly, Mary Rexroat, John Saunders, James Scannell, Patrick Stynes, Timothy Tiernan, Carl Welte. Many thanks to Katy O'Shea, Anne Sullivan

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birth place, Athey, County Kildare, Ireland. birth name, Patrick C. Stynes Dreamland Rink, San Francisco, California, United States, L, PTS, 4, 4

3 Jun 2009 From left, Patrick Stynes, Photeine Anagnostopoulos, Dr. Michael Anagnostopoulos , Theresa Anagnostopoulos, James Stynes, and Michael Stynes,

Jim Stynes notes that cancer has had opposite effects on himself and Lance Armstrong may be able to compete in the Tour of California if he wishes

I am searching (genealogically) the following family lines: Stynes . . Weber . . Reinlander . You can reach me via email at

Patrick Stynes. &nbsp6. Annie Stynes, married Joseph Callan. ...... Margaret is the Daughter of John Stynes and Ellen Doyle .

Jayne MacManus (San Francisco, CA) - See all my reviews Andy Griffin, Big Ben Lalor, Laurence O'Toole, Elvis Presley, Ball Alley, Pat Stynes,

Marie Therese Stynes South San Francisco, CA | 53 years old Relatives, Gerard | Gerard John Stynes | Jerry Stynes | Patrick C Stynes

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