2002 Candidate Info Auditor Ann-Marie Hogan - Candidate Statement. Susan Korbel - Pipl Profile


Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 20/02/2011

1414 University Avenue, Suite D., Berkeley, California 94702 Martha H. Jones, Past President, Council of Neighborhood Associations; Patrick Devaney,

Spokane, WA. Bryan Patrick Devaney Michael P Devaney Susan M Devaney Oakland , CA Berkeley, CA Oakland, CA. Timothy Devaney Age 82 View Details

Grassroots' January 28, l98l issue quoted Pat Devaney's charge "that if they succeed in defeating the progressive coalition in Berkeley, California.

will be closed to the public on holidays ... s/Susan Korbel. s/Patrick Devaney, Panoramic Hill NA* s/Evelyn Giardina ... [ www.ci.berkeley.ca.us ]

Anne Devaney. Berkeley , California , United States Catherine Anne,Personal Genealogy,Genealogy record, Patrick Devaney ,Pat Farrell,Genealogy

13 Aug 2009 That my name is John Patrick Boushell. 2. Member, Community Health Commission, 2841 Webster St., District 8 resident Patrick Devaney, Former Chair, The place of my birth is Berkeley, California. 5.

Spokane, WA. Bryan Patrick Devaney Michael P Devaney Susan M Devaney Oakland , CA Berkeley, CA Oakland, CA. Timothy Devaney Age 82 View Details

The Board of Directors of the Berkeley Architectural Heritage Association dedicated BAHA's 33rd Annual Membership Meeting to the memory of Patrick Devaney

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3, twice (last: Berkeley, 02/08/2010). 3, three times (last: Berkeley, 02/08/ 2010) Parents are Carol and Pat Devaney…The oldest of four children,

26 Jan 2010 I remember what a team he and Pat Devaney were as champions for Eric- Berkeley, CA said... Very sad. Laurie was a great guy.

17 Feb 2011 3086 Claremont Avenue Berkeley, CA 94705 www.darkcarnival.com (510) 654-7323 Devaney, Doak, & Garrett 193 Broadway Farmington, ME 04938

2116 ALLSTON WAY SUITE ONE BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA 94704 Patrick Devaney. Jane Eidginton. Trish Hawthorne. Jacomena Maybeck. Johan Erice. Margot Rapport

'Patrick Devaney has meticulously researched this recreation of life in 17th century Ireland, Berkeley's Telephone and Other Fictions - Clifton, Harry

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