St. Patrick's Day Jell-O Shots Recipe @CDKitchen. Irish Shooter Recipes: Quick and Easy Shots & Slammers


Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 20/02/2011

A recipe for St. Patrick's Day Jell-O Shots containing box Lime Jell-O box Lemon Jell-O boiling Water cold Water Irish Whiskey.

St. Patrick's Day was no big deal in Los Gatos. If folks wanted to whoop it up, they usually drove all the way to San Francisco to do so.

St Patrick's Day Shots range from the simple shot of straight Irish Whiskey to layered shots such as the Irish Flag Shooter (which looks good,

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Basic Vodka Jello Shooters Your basic vodka jello shot recipe is probably St Patrick's Day is about all kinds of magical creatures, and that's why you

14 Mar 2009 St.Patrick's day babe. riding a firetruck....they were in the parade to This photo belongs to. San Diego Shooter's photostream (16273)

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Green cocktails for St. Patrick's Day—or any day—made with Midori melon liqueur Midori Melon Bomb; Midori Sour; Q.F. Shooter (With Irish Cream Liqueur)

St Patrick's Day Shots and Shooters. posted March 7, 2010 - 7:05pm. St Patrick's Day Shots and Shooters. St Patrick's Day is traditionally a day of drinking

25 Jan 2011 The below detailed dessert shooters for St Patrick's Day are just the right treat to serve after a filling dinner of corned beef and cabbage

4 Mar 2007 Spring and St. Patrick's Day bring thoughts of celebrating with beer, whiskey, and maybe a fun shot. The traditional Irish shooter is

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Serve. These are especially great for St. Patrick's Day or Earth Day! How to Make Skittles Vodka · How to Make a Pineapple Upside Down Cake Shooter

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St. Patrick's Day was no big deal in Los Gatos. If folks wanted to whoop it up, they usually drove all the way to San Francisco to do so.

Over the years some cocktails have become synonymous with St Patrick's Day and one of these cocktails is actually a shooter - the Irish Flag Shooter.

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