Walter Fitzpatrick: From Tea Party To Charging Obama With Treason. Professional Realtor Walt FitzPatrick


Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 20/02/2011

28 Oct 2010 Filing a complaint about President Obama's eligibility has led retired Navy Lt. Cmdr. Walter Fitzpatrick III into some very deep waters.

1 Nov 2010 By Judson Phillips GCC/Staff Nov. 1, 2010 This morning, Walter Fitzpatrick sits in a jail in Monroe County, Tennessee.

2 Apr 2010 Retired Lt. Commander Walter Fitzpatrick III, a citizen of Monroe County Tennessee, attempted to affect a legal citizen's arrest this

1 Dec 2009 Tea-party style activism has taken some nutty turns before--the Hitler references, the Holocaust pictures. But Walter Fitzpatrick III may be

1 Apr 2010 Court-martialed Lt Commander Walter Fitzpatrick, a longtime nutjob birther, gets arrested whilst trying to effect a citizen's arrest.

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23 Jul 2010 Walter Fitzpatrick a bigwig of the American Grand Jury, which is basically Fitzpatrick and a few other guys who sit around,

Lieutenant Colonel Terrence Lakin, Major General Carroll D. Childers, Captain Neil B. Turner, Commander Charles Kerchner, Lt. Commander Walter Fitzpatrick,

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It is the sworn duty of any and ALL Constitutional Oath-Takers to report to the proper authorities any and all known violations of the terms and conditions

6 May 2010 The bizarre sequence of events began on April 1, when Walter Fitzpatrick walked into the Monroe county courthouse in Madisonville, Tenn.,

Walter Fitzpatrick is whining that life in a jail is ROUGH and some of the inmates are being MEAN to him. The birtherstani are starting to dimly realize

A Monroe County Sheriff's Department spokeswoman said Monday that retired Navy Lt. Commander Walter Fitzpatrick III of Sweetwater was being sought.

20 Apr 2010 April 20, 2010 I just got home from a wet, rainy day in the small, quaint town of Madisonville, TN. Just a hop skip and a jump off I-75

28 Oct 2010 Lt. Commander Walter Fitzpatrick III (US Navy Ret.) has been arrested by the Monroe County Sheriffs Department.

13 Feb 2011 There's a doozy of a post today at the malware-infested Web site of prominent anti-American "Dr." Orly Taitz, "Esq." In it,

1 Apr 2010 Monroe County Tennessee, Lt. Commander Walter Fitzpatrick, III Arrested for trying to Expose Government Corruption.

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