. The American Presidency Project contains the most comprehensive


Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 20/02/2011

George Bush. Nomination of Donna R. Fitzpatrick To Be an Assistant Since 1988 Miss Fitzpatrick has been Under Secretary of Energy in Washington, DC.

The White House illegally used federal funds to send Cabinet secretaries and other high-level political appointees to congressional districts of GOP

27 Oct 2010 "When they outsourced jobs – which has hurt Bucks County – when we lost 5298 jobs because of bad trade deals that Bush and Fitzpatrick

26 Jan 2011 The White House illegally used federal funds to send Cabinet secretaries and other high-level political appointees to congressional

25 Jan 2011 Listed below are links to weblogs that reference Fitzpatrick, Santorum named in Bush White House investigation

25 Jan 2011 An Obama White House report says that the Bush Administration broke the law helping the 2006 campaign of then-RINO Mike Fitzpatrick.

12 Jan 2009 PINE BUSH At 17, Nick Fitzpatrick was working on a horse farm when he got the chance to buy and sell some hay.

24 Nov 2009 Listen to Joey Beltram - Slice (Alan Fitzpatrick Remix) (BUSH) by Alan Fitzpatrick: OUT NOW ON BEATPORT, Also includes a CARL COX and JOESPH

2 Jan 2003 Bush decries 'class war'; Tyco gave FitzPatrick $22M to quit United Tech; SEC files vs. CEO Mabie.

The Political Ads database by The Washington Post includes ads by funding, race, issue, party and more.

22 Feb 2010 Joey Beltram — Slice 2010 (Alan Fitzpatrick remix) on Bush Records.

9 Sep 2010 He spends much of his time meandering through a litany of Obamaisms of the blame Bush variety, tying Fitzpatrick to Bush for added measure.

The White House illegally used federal funds to send Cabinet secretaries and other high-level political appointees to congressional districts of GOP

25 Jan 2011 The White House illegally used federal funds to send Cabinet secretaries and other high-level political appointees to congressional

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