Deval Patrick on Beck rally: “It's a free country. I wish it weren . Deval Patrick Governor Blamed for Gambling Law Failure


Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 20/02/2011

2 Nov 2010 Governor Deval Patrick claimed a victory for hopeful, optimistic politics, saying he won a second term because voters were willing to look

1 Sep 2010 Michael Graham from Boston's WTKK posts a clip of Governor Deval Patrick responding to a question about the rally by noting first that it's

22 Aug 2010 Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick came under fire this week as he was blamed for the stalemate reached with regard to the advancement of

29 Oct 2010 The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in the state finds incumbent Democratic Governor Deval Patrick with 46%

18 Feb 2011 Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick signed an executive order yesterday protecting transgender state workers from discrimination,

26 Oct 2010 When Gloucester Mayor Carolyn Kirk was crafting her formal endorsement of Gov. Deval Patrick last week, she started ticking off the s.

3 Nov 2010 Massachusetts Governor Democrat Deval L. Patrick '78 spoke to a packed ballroom at the Boston Park Plaza Hotel following his re-election on

29 Oct 2010 The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in the state finds incumbent Democratic Governor Deval Patrick with 46%

Jump to ‎: In 2005, Patrick announced his candidacy for Governor of Massachusetts. He was at first seen as a dark horse candidate,

2 Nov 2010 Gov. Deval Patrick fended off a pro-GOP, anti-incumbent wave to defeat challenger Charles Baker to become the first two-term Democratic

13 Oct 2010 Deval Patrick has been accessible and present in our communities in a way that no governor has been in recent years.

27 Sep 2010 Democrat Deval Patrick faces two serious competitors, Independent Patrick Cahill and Republican Charlie Baker. But the two candidates are

30 Jan 2011 Governor Deval Patrick plans to file long-awaited legislation today that would give him authority to scrutinize the fees paid to hospitals

Learn more about Deval Patrick, read his campagin bio, and find Boston Globe coverage about the gubernatorial candidate on

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