On another planet: Patrick Ness on despotism, "young adults" and . Author Interview with Patrick Ness


Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 20/02/2011

Polly Dunbar is Booktrust's fourth online writer in residence.

Patrick Ness (born 1971) is an American author, journalist and lecturer who lives in London. He holds both American and British citizenship (British since

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A bibliography of Patrick Ness's books, with the latest releases, covers, descriptions and availability.

1 May 2010 New trailer for Patrick Ness's award-winning Chaos Walking trilogy, which is made up of The Knife of Never Letting Go, The Ask and the

Patrick Ness (born 1971) is an American author, journalist and lecturer who lives in London. He holds both American and British citizenship (British since

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4 Oct 2010 For those of you who love the Chaos Walking Trilogy, you'll be glad to know Patrick Ness has written a prequel. It is called THE NEW WORLD

15 Feb 2010 Patrick Ness won the 2008 Guardian Children's Fiction Prize with his first book for teenagers The Knife Of Never Letting Go - the first in

22 Jan 2011: Patrick Ness is glad of a few awkward questions 9 Oct 2010: Patrick Ness follows a girl and her father into the Tasmanian wilderness

Patrick Ness at www.contemporarywriters.com - Patrick Ness was born in the US in 1971, living in the western states of Hawaii, Washington and California,

19 Jul 2010 Many people who now consider themselves evangelists for Patrick Ness's Chaos Walking trilogy initially resisted the first book, The Knife of

19 Jul 2009 Patrick Ness is the brilliant author of the Chaos Walking trilogy. The second ( and latest) novel in the series, The Ask and The Answer,

7 Feb 2011 I just wrote a comment that said “Please can Patrick Ness write more books in this series?” but then I remembered that just because you

2 May 2010 My aunt phoned yesterday. She's finished the first two books in the Chaos Walking trilogy and oh-my-God she LOVED them and wants to know

Visit Amazon.com's Patrick Ness Page and shop for all Patrick Ness books and other Patrick Ness related products (DVD, CDs, Apparel).

9 Feb 2010 caption id=attachment_2841 align=alignleft width=300 caption=Patrick Ness. Image courtesy of Walker Books Australia][/caption] The author of

There's an absolutely fantastic profile of Patrick Ness, author of The Knife Of Never Letting Go, over at Publishers Weekly. Find out how he sold Knife

10 Feb 2010 I think Patrick Ness' response to your question about why dystopian fiction has become so popular right now is totally on point but what I

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