Talk about Patrick Wymark with real humans - digplanet. Aveleyman - Patrick Wymark


Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 20/02/2011

All the episodes from series 2 of the Power Game, ATV's famous boardroom drama from the 1960s, starring Patrick Wymark as the now-Knighted Sir John Wilder,

Patrick Wymark Born: Jul 11, 1926 in Cleethorpes, Lincolnshire, for his role as the machiavellian businessman John Wilder in the drama series The Plane

Patrick Wymark. Sunday, 11th July 1926 - Tuesday, 20th October 1970 Grounds for Decision as Sir John Wilder. 10/10/1966

and in particular the ambitions of ruthless company managing director John Wilder, as played with convincing gusto by Patrick Wymark.

Patrick Wymark information @ Biography, Picture, TV Appearances, Trivia, As: Sir John Wilder. Show: The Plane Makers(1963), As: John Wilder

Learn, explore, talk about Patrick Wymark with real humans, and check out company and its managing director, the ruthless John Wilder (Patrick Wymark).

Cast: Peter Barkworth (Kenneth Bligh), Clifford Evans (Caswell Bligh), Patrick Wymark (John Wilder), Jack Watling (Don Henderson), Rosemary Leach (Susan

Patrick Wymark. Born, Patrick Cheeseman 11 July 1926(1926-07-11) for his role as the machiavellian businessman John Wilder in the drama series The Plane

Patrick Wymark Born: Jul 11, 1926 in Cleethorpes, Lincolnshire, for his role as the machiavellian businessman John Wilder in the drama series The Plane

A spin-off from the earlier 'The Plane Makers', The Power Game, made a star of Patrick Wymark as the now-knighted Sir John Wilder, the more ยป

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