Patrick Keeffe (eth3rsun) | Formspring. Patrick Keeffe (pjkeeffe) on Twitter


Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 20/02/2011

14 Aug 2010 The male champion went to Cork breeders Arthur & Patrick O Keeffe with their winner of the Lambplus class which is a son of Tullagh Neptune

16 May 2010 Patrick M. Keeffe Cemetery Photo Added by: Keith. Photos may be scaled. Click on image for full size. Accuracy and Copyright Disclaimer

People named Patrick Keeffe. Find the person you're looking for and related people.

12 Jan 2004 9-23-1864 Lyredaowen, PATRICK KEEFFE/ M/ 1 month, farmer's child, death of gen debility of one month duration, unattended, father Patrick

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View Patrick Keeffe's profile on Formspring. Formspring is a place where you can respond, have fun and get to know friends better.

19 Nov 2009 Theory/Assumption: PATRICK? KEEFFE was born circa 1770 in Coolnahau, Co. Kilkenny, Ireland. Children (theory/assumption) of PATRICK?

Patrick O keeffe from Mount Mercy College is on, an educational resource for Patrick O keeffe's students. Rate Patrick O keeffe and other

atrick O'Keeffe, or Patrick. Keeffe as he was called by his friends, or Padraig. O'Keeffe as he was known to followers of Irish folk

Catherine KEEFFE b. 1858 d. 25 OCT 1874. Richard O'KEEFFE Patrick KEEFFE 25 JAN 1969. John Patrick O'KEEFFE Catherine Mary O'KEEFFE b. 4 AUG 1896

31 Dec 2009 In the 1900 census Patrick O'Keefe and his nephew Patrick resided on Patrick (Keeffe) O'Keefe, born March 28, 1874 in Coolnahau, Co.

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