Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 20/02/2011
2005 PRCA World Champion Heeler, Two time PRCA National Finals Rodeo Average Champion, and Six time PRCA National Finals Rodeo qualifier, Patrick Smith is
11 Dec 2010 finished second with partner Patrick Smith in the team roping average to Brazile and Smith earned a whopping $120419 at the Finals to become the He spurred Harry Vold Rodeo's Painted Valley – the 2010 PRCA Saddle the 2007 world champion, finishing third in the Wrangler NFR average
Professional Rodeo Cowboy. Read a profile of team roper Patrick Smith. Learn about this cowboys career highlights, statistics, earnings and more!
13 Aug 2007 Caldwell Night Rodeo Contestant List 3. Brazile, with team roping partner Patrick Smith, the 2005 world champion team roping heeler,
17 Mar 2007 The Dodge National Circuit Finals Rodeo (DNCFR) is the crowning event of Todd Arthur, Navasota, Texas/Patrick Smith, Midland, Texas,
5 Feb 2011 Patrick Smith. See videos of Patrick including roping tips! PRCA Rodeo and the YMBL Championship Rodeo (Beaumont, Texas)• 2007: (Partner
•Colorado and Wyoming cowboys win big at 2007 NFR •NFR Las Vegas 2007 This is part of pro rodeo online dedicated to Patrick Smith and everything you
Team Roping Ttles - partner Patrick Smith. Clark County Fair & Rodeo (Logandale, Nev. Championship: 2003, 2005-06 (TD), 2006, 2009(TR), 2007-09 (TD)
Patrick Smith Events: Team Roping (Heeling) Born: 2/5/1980 Midland, Texas Won the 50th Annual Daines Ranch Rodeo (Innisfail, Alberta) 2007: (Partner Trevor Brazile) Won Rounds 4 and 5 and finished second in Round 3 en route to
Ask the Pilot. Friday, Apr 6, 2007 08:00 ET By Patrick Smith. March 27 marked the 30th anniversary of the most deadly aviation disaster in history. and its airport, beneath a set of cascading hillsides, is called Los Rodeos.
Posted: Thursday, August 23, 2007 12:00 am | Updated: 7:45 pm, Wed Oct 7, 2009. Team roper Patrick Smith of Midland has "rodeo momentum" and is eyeing
12 Apr 2009 Who won at the national final rodeo in team roping in 2007? Trevor Brazile, of Decatur, Texas, and team roping partner Patrick Smith.
Explore the comprehensive patrick smith archive on, including news, ESPN Radio Daily: 6/28. June 28, 2007 Ordinarily, recording a no-time in half of the rounds at the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo isn't a good thing.
15 Dec 2010 This document is a history of the national rodeo championships, with lists of 2005, Patrick Smith. 2006, Allen Bach. 2007, Chad Masters
13 Jan 2007 As we start the summer rodeo run I am prepared but a guy like Patrick Smith reminds me what it's going to take to reach the Goals I've set
By PatrickSmithPhotography Patrick Smith+ Add Contact. This photo was taken on October 22, 2007 in Sausalito, California, US, using a Canon EOS 5D.
"patrick smith" - Rodeo UP - THE #1 SITE FOR ALL RODEO VIDEO. WNFR 2007 - DAY 4 Trevor Brazile / Patrick Smith; 4 years ago; Views: 2277; Not yet rated

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