Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 20/02/2011
People named Patrick Klena. Find the person you're looking for and related people.
Find the latest patrick klena News at allvoices, where anyone can report from anywhere. Get patrick klena news as it happens.
Track down Patrick Klena and other old friends and classmates. Reconnect with friends from the past at MyLife™.
23 Jul 2010 Breaux's public defender Patrick Klena said he believed Centre County District Attorney Stacy Parks Miller must prove the driving led to
19 Jan 2011 Pat Klena. x. 228. 6456. Technology Specialist, Glenna Volk. x. 270 x. 241. 6449.
George C. Marshall 900 30 Logan Hirka, Fr 19:06 6:09 901 108 James Lex, Fr 20:37 6:39 892 170 Patrick Klena, So 22:06 7:08 880 172 Sawell Ahmed,
People named Klena. Find the person you're looking for and related people. Klena . People Named Klena : page 1 of 2 Patrick Klena
Law office of Patrick Klena. Pennsylvania lawyer. Practice Location: Pennsylvania. Patrick Klena.
23 Oct 2008 Assistant public defender Patrick Klena said Stafford maintains he was invited into the fraternity house by either members or alumni who
Patrick Klena (son of Mathew Klena and Charolette Rae Taylor). He married Laura Thomas. More About Patrick Klena and Laura Thomas: Private-Begin: Private
People named Klena. Find the person you're looking for and related people. Klena . People Named Klena : page 1 of 2 Patrick Klena
Front Row, Left to Right: Betty Miller, Betty Boys, Gladys Schuler, Marion Purdy , Ruth Hale, Pat Klena, Nancy Guerva, Kay Reeves, Mina Ring, Grace Moore,
Microsoft Word - Patrick Klena. Centre County Courthouse. Room 104. Bellefonte, PA 16823. PD Office: 814-355-6798. (Fax) 814-355-8659.

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