Articles by author: O'Connor, Patrick C. - Free Online Library. CUT YOUR TEXAS PROPERTY TAXES, Patrick C. O'Connor. (Paperback


Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 20/02/2011

Patrick Charles O'Connor, 84, of Park Forest, passed away on Monday, Jan. 10, 2011. He was a loving father of Kevin (Ann), Fran, Pat (Patricia) .....

Patrick C. O'Connor president of O'Connor and Associates. Pat O'Connor, MAI is president of O'Connor & Associates, a 300-person tax reduction firm

Patrick C O'connor has been an expert author on since January 3, 2008 and has 17 published articles.

CUT YOUR TEXAS PROPERTY TAXES [Paperback]. Patrick C. O'Connor (Author) Publisher: O'Connor & Associates. Published: January 1, 2001

C Patrick O'connor Index Page in the Veromi People Index. Veromi has the most comprehensive people and Business data base in the world.

Patrick C. O'Connor has been president of O'Connor & Associates since. Patrick C . O Connor Guide to Below Market Value Property, Fair Market Value Appraisal

Patrick C. O'Connor, MAI. Pat O'Connor is president of O'Connor & Associates, a 300-person tax deduction firm located in. Houston, Texas.

CUT YOUR TEXAS PROPERTY TAXES by Patrick C. O'Connor. (Paperback 9780970680518)

Patrick C. O'Connor has been president of O'Connor & Associates since 1983 and is a recipient of the prestigious MAI designation from the Appraisal

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Free Online Library: Articles by O'Connor, Patrick C.

Our president, Patrick C. O'Connor is a licensed Senior Property Tax Consultant and frequently authors articles on how to reduce property taxes.

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