KLsssssw. Emory S. Bogardus: Essentials of Social Psychology: Selected


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Relaxation theory (G.T.W. Patrick). According to the relaxation theory play releases us from those forms of mental activity which are fatiguing in our

Relaxation theory ( G.T.W. Patrick ). According to the relaxation theory play releases us from those forms of mental activity which are fatiguing in our

Popular Science - Vol. 84, No. 36 - 102 pages - Magazine59° THE PSYCHOLOGY OF ^RELAXATION BY PROFESSOR GTW PATRICK THE STATE UNIVERSITY Meanwhile practical common sense, not waiting upon theory, has turned to books.google.com/books?id=xyQDAAAAMBAJ -

Patrick, G. T. W. 1916. The psychology of relaxation. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Sapora, A. V. and Mitchell, E. D. 1961. The theory of play and recreation.

Outside the laboratory G.T.W. Patrick (1903) studied the psychology of American football, musing on the obsession with the game among the US public.

, John A. Selbie - 2003 - Religion - 484 pages»GTW Patrick, The Psychology of Relaxation, Boston and London, 1916, pp. 29-96. « The Principles of Psychology*, London, 1890, ii. 630, § SS4. books.google.com/books?isbn=0766137007

- 1989 - Performing Arts - 266 pagesIn the relaxation theory, GTW Patrick said that play was free, spontaneous and " pursued for its own sake." Its purpose was relaxation: an entirely adult books.google.com/books?isbn=0889242135

18 Jan 2010 Assertive behavior in children : A step toward a theory of aggression. Patrick, G. T. W. (1916). The psychology of relaxation.

Patrick, G. T. W., The Psychology o f Relaxation, Houghton, Mifflin: 1916. Veblen, Thorstein, The Theory of the Leisure Class, Macmillan: 1912. Patrick , G. T. W., "The Psychology of Crazes," Popular Science Mon., XVIII : 285-94.

29 Aug 2009 By Professor G. T. W. PATRICK. THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA. THE gospel of relaxation has been eloquently preached to us by Pro- fessor

- 1991 - Psychology - 178 pagesBehavior theory and the models of man. American Psychologist, 29. 859-869. Patrick, GTW (1895). The psychology of women. Popular Science Monthly. 46. books.google.com/books?isbn=0805807616

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